Eine materielle Ortserkundung: Dortmund 2021 // 51°31‘21.8“N 7°25‘30.3“E
The place of investigation was the area around Bridge K16 in Dort- mund. In this investigation we have seen a lot of trash, which had an impact on us.
Our interest has been to investigate the relation of city and na- ture, in a location where nature is taking space over more and more. We found out that the use of this space by human inter- actions had an impact on the area, letting a very characteristic human trace behind: TRASH.
From this point, we asked ourselves how did the garbage get the- re? What kind of people leave trash on this place? Do people leave it deliberately? Have they forgotten it? What did they think while they leave it there, and what is their life like? The project opens up a perspective on the past in a speculative way. An attempt is made to depict how the story of the garbage goes on, and a reflec- tive way to talk about our consumption dynamics and its effects on nature. With this we ask ourselves: What impact will the waste have in the future and which actions can be taken nowadays?
We have illustrated this in the form of short stories written on the labels of a collection of packages with trash we found and collected from the site, creating an artistic installation.
Created by CITIVITY:
We are Ayla Pellicer, Melis Schweitzer, Maximilian Zielinski and Laura Nübold.
Inspired by: „Catch of the Day“ Surfrider Foundation and Satchi & Satchi LA
CITYVITY I ARDEAS I Fachhochschule Dortmund I Sommersemester 2021